Wealthy Affiliate?

What is the Wealthy Affiliate Program all About?


Wealthy Affiliate is about Top Notch Training

The Wealthy Affiliate Program is about turning your passion into a successful online business and providing top-notch training to teach you how to do that.

The training provided by WA is “from scratch”, assuming you know nothing about the internet, building websites or making money online.  You are walked through module by module, mastering each step you need to know.  And there is support and help all along the way; you almost feel as if you are being led by the hand through the training.

The WA Program provides all the necessary tools for you to learn – build – succeed.  Sure you will have questions and make a few mistakes, but the training and support are there to answer your questions and help you figure out exactly what to do.  You learn to create your website using the excellent WordPress website building software, how to choose from many, many free themes for a great look and feel for your website(s), utilize tools for keyword research, search engine optimization, writing and formatting content; and your site is viewed and critiqued by other members and its health monitored.

Absolutely everything you need for success is there for the taking.  You need nothing else but the training provided through WA and your own desire and effort.

It’s about community!


An image of people joined hands around the earth

An image of people joined hands around the earth

From the first days of my free trial week, I learned much about the WA Community.  Its a community of thousands of people just like you and I with very similar goals.  I was very impressed to find out that there seemed to be a great helping spirit among the members,  with no indications of fearful competition.  Part of the training impresses each member with the fact that the millions of potential customers available on the worldwide internet are plenty enough to go around.  Everyone can be a winner in this huge market.


Community members come in all genders, ethnicities, ages, skills, and levels of success.  There are many “Experts” who have achieved their goals for success and hang around to help others.

The WA community is the largest internet marketing community in the world.  Its very active members come from all over the globe to learn and hopefully fulfill their dreams.


There’s no reason to go anywhere else! And, that’s what I read in all of those reviews when I was thinking about signing up. They were right, and I’m living proof. This system is meticulously crafted, and if you follow the training and take advantage of the community help, you will certainly be successful. And that’s the most important thing I’ve found true about this program:

*** Wealthy Affiliate is about You! ***

You determine your own success by doing the training and the work in creating your website and filling it with great content that draws visitors to your site and convinces them to buy whatever product you are offering on your site.  you truly are master of your own fate and success.

Wealthy Affiliates provides the expert level training and support you need so that fear does not hinder your success. You are trained step by step and supported by great support staff and other members throughout your process from the first training module until you successfully achieve your goals.

I’ve been a Premium member at WA for over 3 years and I’ve taken the training and work all at my own pace and at the level my lifestyle and responsibilities allow.  And yes, I am seeing success with commissions starting to come in and I currently host over 13 websites on the WA Platform.

I’ve recently been accepted into a special group to be mentored by one of the Wealthy Affiliate Owners.  Kyle will be working with this group to make us as he calls it “Super Affiliates”.  Now, where else would someone be given an opportunity like this, to be mentored by a company’s owner – a very successful company at that.  This just proves to me that the Wealthy Affiliate Program is truly one of a kind.


Thanks for looking at my site and coming to this page.  I would love for you to leave any questions or comments below. – Shirley




4 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate?

  1. Russ Green

    Very interesting and informative wealthy affiliate review Shirley, I enjoy reading your posts, please keep sharing them with us.


    1. Shirley Dawson Post author

      Russ, thanks so much for visiting my site and your nice comment. I love to create cool posts and share them, so I’ll be continuing to do so. Thanks again. -shirley

    1. admin

      Valecia, I want to thank you for checking out this blog site and for your comments. I’m enjoying sharing my experiences and what I’m learning about Diabetes. I love researching new things to try also. Do you have Diabetes or someone in your family have it? -Shirley


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