
Image of retirement sign with text asking what your retirement will be like


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Image of Shirley Dawson

Image of Shirley Dawson

Hi there, I am Shirley Dawson and your source to learn ways to make extra money online.  Here are some things that describe me:

  • A retired senior adult.
  • A Handicapped (in a wheelchair),
  • I hated my last job in the regular workforce.
  • I needed extra income in retirement and I’m getting some now and it is growing.
  • I’ve always wanted to work from and and now I do.
  • I hated to dress up to go to work, but now I can work in m
  • I love to be My Own Boss finally.
  • I’ve wanted to set My Own Working Hours and now its possible.


Can you relate to any of the above?

I’m sure many people are me,  wanting to kick the 9-5 and be my own boss finally.  I spent 33 years working as a civil servant – always working under someone else and while there were many tasks I truly enjoyed and I did them to the best of my ability and even worked extra hard and took on more tasks many times to help the research center I worked at; my dream was working for myself in my own business.

During the last few years of my career at FDA, I opened a part-time Photography studio with a friend of mine and we both loved it.  For five years we had a great business and profits increased each year along with our customers.  I loved the photography and the image editing so much.  But in our 5th year, I began to have serious back and spine issues and I was unable to do my part of the sessions, so I reluctantly sold out my share of the business to my business partner.

I sadly thought that my chance of owning my own business was over.  But, after finally retiring from my 33 year FDA career,  I began to look for something I could do from home and from the wheelchair I am stuck in most of the time.

What is Your Retirement Like?

Face it, retirement – that time we have all been working toward and waiting for all these years – can be GOLDEN or it can be MISERABLE.  If we have to skimp on our quality of life – no eating out, no vacations, no travel, no fishing, golfing, etc., then retirement is not a great time for us.  We just exist, get older, and eventually end up in a nursing home waiting for God to call us home.

We are told that with careful financial planning, retirement can truly be like our dreams.  My husband is a retired financial adviser and I’ve heard him talk a lot about being prepared for retirement and that so many of his customers were not prepared and had never even thought that they might live 25-30 years after they retired and their monies needed to last a long time. Check out this article on U.S. life expectancy which is now 78.6 years.

However, maybe you are one of the many today who did not or could not save enough to have the retirement of your dreams (there are plenty in your situation).  You might feel like you need to work part-time or even full time to supplement your retirement funds.  Yes, there are jobs you can find and maybe you are lucky and have the health to work these regular jobs, but, WAIT, there are other options for you.

You can work from home, be your own boss, set your own hours and do work focused on something you love.  Working from home is feasible and many are entering the “online business” arena now so they can have the freedom it offers.  Does one of the following statements describe you?

  • MAYBE you are retired and you’ve taken a big cut in your monthly income and need to earn money in retirement to supplement your pension.
  • MAYBE you’ve lost your partner and now finances are tough.
  • MAYBE you are handicapped and a traditional job outside the home is not for you.
  • MAYBE you have lost your job and need to find a new way to create income, working from home.
  • MAYBE you are a stay at home mom or dad and need to supplement the family income while working from home.
  • MAYBE you are a college student and need to earn money to pay for college.
  • MAYBE  you are simply tired of working for someone else and the daily commute and you want to be your own boss and make money working from your home.

If one of the above situations describes you, then you have found the right place to get help.  It is certainly possible to make money online and work from home and even do well at it.

HOLD ON, I know what you are thinking!

“There are so many SCAMS out there, how do I know which program is a LEGITIMATE way to create an income working online?”

I had that very same thought several years ago when I retired early due to my health issues.  I wasn’t quite ready to stop contributing to our family income and yet I had to sell my successful photography studio to my business partner.  I could no longer physically do the photography work I loved and counted on to supplement my retirement income.  But, alas, I could no longer do the work.  I was in a wheelchair and I really needed a job I could work from home.

Work from Home Jobs

I began to research jobs I could do from home and with my years of IT work for the government, I wanted to use my skills with technology and the internet I had developed in my federal career.  I looked online for ways to make money using my computer and internet access.

I began to do online surveys from many different survey companies.  Yes, I could earn some money doing that; however, I would spend hours each day filling out surveys only to earn a few dollars and had to deal with being rejected for many surveys when I didn’t fit the requirements.

I tried working with crowdfunding activities, doing small tasks as an Amazon Turk worker.  Once again the surveys and small tasks paid peanuts compared to my former very lucrative IT jobs.

I noticed that transcription tasks seemed to pay more for the amount of work involved, so I purchased transcription software and equipment and learned to do general transcription.  Yes, the payment was better, but I found that I was not good at distinguishing words which were spoken with heavy accents and slurred speech.

None of these options were working out for me, so I started looking at other work online programs.  I was very confused and overwhelmed by the huge number of ads and promotions that claimed I could make money (lots of it) online and work from my home.

Yet when I began to research many of the work online programs, I found COMPLAINT after COMPLAINT that proved they were really scams to get me to give them – MY MONEY!

It was SCARY and I really didn’t know what to do.

As I continued looking, I ran across a large number of websites that touted training for something called “Affiliate Marketing” where you build a website, attract traffic and promote products from different online vendors to earn commissions.

I learned that there was a potential to create a large income with this type of marketing and I already had developed skills in creating websites and using many different types of software during my federal IT career.  I had actually dabbled a little with affiliate marketing a few years earlier, but didn’t know much about it and was not successful with those efforts.  I could do this from my wheelchair in my home office.  It sounded SO GOOD!

Once again, I found it hard to determine what was LEGITIMATE and what was a SCAM.


One day I found a website created by a guy named “Scott” who wrote about a unique training program available at an online training site called Wealthy Affiliate University.  Scott had very nice things to say about the program and training.  After researching this program for days, I saw there were many satisfied, extremely happy even, customers of this training program and many had learned how to reach their financial goals with an online business.

I read about the FREE trial week offer and that I would NOT be asked for a credit card, and decided I had nothing to lose and signed up.  As I checked out the training and the features of the platform, I was SO IMPRESSED with the caliber of training and the community support, that I upgraded to Premium Membership (paid) on the THIRD day of my trial week.


MY MONEY WAS WELL SPENT and now over 5 years later, I have never regretted it.


What’s in it for YOU!

The training provided at Wealthy Affiliate University will teach you great online skills:

  • creating websites with WordPress
  • creating your own blog site(s)
  • writing skills to create your own blog posts about a subject you love
  • all about SEO (search engine optimization) and keywords – the most important thing to know when driving visitors to visit your site
  • choosing an affiliate program and choosing products to promote for the fun topic you have chosen to blog about.

WA offers all that and a community of over 1.8 million fellow members who are helpful and willing to share tips on how they reached their own financial goals.

If you train and complete all the steps in the training, with patience, you will eventually reach your own financial goals to make money from home.

I can’t say enough good things about the Wealthy Affiliate Training Program.  I have a detailed REVIEW of the program on this site.

If you are interested in finding the very “BEST” training in affiliate marketing available online, then I URGE you to check out my detailed REVIEW , or you can just jump right in by signing up for the FREE TRIAL WEEK.


How much does it Cost?

So, next, you are going to ask me: How much does it cost?

I’ll be extremely honest, the paid (PREMIUM) membership is not cheap at least at first; but it is not too expensive either.  It is $19 for the first month and $49/month after that.  If you are like me, almost $50/month can seem like a lot when you are on a budget.  But luckily for me, there are OPTIONS offered to help reduce the cost.  Read on to learn more.


Paying annually

  • If you pay annually in advance, the cost for the year is only $359 (a $200 savings), which averages out to just under $30/month- a much better rate!
  • Then, each year I have been a member (over 5 years now), the owners have offered a Black Friday Special in November to pay only $299/year, which averages out to just under $25/month.  $25/MONTH – Now that I can afford and I accepted that offer 3 years ago.  I pay only $25/month for my Premium Membership.

$25 is not very much each month for me.  My husband and I  spend that if we go out to dinner.  Skipping one dinner out each month is not too hard for us.  I’m now locked into that annual rate for as long as I’m a member – PRETTY COOL huh!

And I’ve found that I save money by hosting my affiliate  sites at WA as part of my PREMIUM membership instead of paying for hosting services elsewhere – I have 12 personal websites and 4 client sites hosted free as part of my membership – so I have saved that money I would have paid other hosting services. This year, one job I had was to build a website for a small business client and it paid all my WA expenses for the year.  You can read about all that WA offers (which is a LOT!) in my detailed REVIEWThere are definitely ways to make enough to cover your annual membership fee.

Check out Wealthy Affiliate for your FREE TRIAL below!


This blog site is full of information I have been learning about as I continue my state-of-the-art training at Wealthy Affiliate and how to create money making websites.

Why not take a few minutes, read the REVIEW and some of my other articles to see what I’ve been learning about and applying to my own successful efforts to Earn Money in Retirement.

You can also sign up for my Email Newsletters to be one of the first to read about what I’ve been learning through the Wealthy Affiliate Training Program and receive my FREE Report ” Guide to Affiliate Marketing”.


I love to hear from my site visitors – what are your thoughts?  is this something you might be interested in? do you have any questions?  Please leave your comments below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.  Thanks -Shirley

NOTE:  this page may contain affiliate links, which when clicked and an item purchased, I will receive a small commission.

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